Fireplace Safety in Your New Home

Yes, we still have warm days in El Paso, but the nights are getting chilly and we'll soon feel the temperatures drop! And when it gets colder, it'll be time to turn on the fireplace in your new home. While it is still warm outside, here are some tips you can follow to care for the fireplace to keep it safe and working well throughout the winter. 

Before using your fireplace, be sure to get it inspected and have your chimney cleaned, whether your fireplace is wood or gas burning, to prevent buildup of hazardous soot and debris. It's important to call a certified chimney inspector instead of trying to clean it yourself because they can also check for gas leaks (gas chimneys), and structural and lining damage, which can lead to house fires and poor-quality air buildup.

Only use dense firewood, like maple and oak. These types of wood an produce more heat and burn longer. Using firewood that is green or comes from resinous tree species, like pine can be very dangerous because it is prone to combustion.

Only use kindling like dry twigs or sticks as igniters instead of flammable liquids or paper. Always make sure the wood is placed on a grate toward the back of the fireplace and never build the fire too large. This can cause too much smoke and heat, which crack your chimney.

Fire screens or metal curtains in front of the fire to keep sparks and fallen wood pieces from flying into the room. Make sure the screen covers the entire opening of your fireplace or debris could find its way through and be dangerous to your family and your home.

Lighting a fire in your fireplace can be very cozy. But you are near fire, which can be dangerous. So be sure to take all the necessary precautions. Make sure your smoke detectors have working batteries and have your fire extinguisher inspected by a professional. Once you are finished with the fire, make sure it’s fully extinguished before leaving your home or going to bed. Never leave a fire unattended.

We want you to enjoy your new home, but we also want you and your family to stay safe. Before lighting the first fire in your fireplace of your new home, follow these tips so you and your family can have many happy years in your home.