Cleaning Your New Home | El Paso Home Builders

Sometimes our lives get so busy, our homes can get dirty very quickly! But giving your new home a good cleaning can be done by following six steps. Better Homes and Gardens gives their tips that can be done in every room of the house!

1. Declutter Just a Bit. You don't need to worry about cleaning anything behind a closed door, but anything that does not belong in the room and is visible, Better Homes and Gardens recommends finding a new place for it or even getting rid of it. 

2. Start High Then Low. Hard-to-reach surfaces are a pain, but cleaning them is easy by taking care of them in this order: ceiling, ceiling trim, ceiling light fixtures (including bulbs), walls, the rest of the trim, and baseboards. "The best tool is a clean microfiber mop or duster with a telescoping handle. (They're so thin you can get behind the sofa without moving it.)" To tackle anything above eye level, you just need to spray some water on your mop. For lower levels with dirt and dust, "use warm water mixed with a drop of dish soap. (In bathrooms, add a splash of white vinegarto stop mold.)"

3. Always Clean Windows. Yes, cleaning the windows in your new home is not fun, but it'll pay off.  To start, vacuum the sills and tracks. Then spray the entire window with cleaner. Let it sit  for a minute, then squeegee it off.

4. Spruce Up Those Window Treatments. You don't need to take down blinds or shades in your home to clean them. Simply vacuum them using the brush attachment. "And instead of laundering and ironing curtains, just fluff them in the dryer for a few minutes (while you wipe off the rod and rings). Then hang them right back up."  

5. Get Rid of Dust. Use a petroleum distillate-free, beeswax-based wood cleaner to clean all remaining hard surfaces (wood furniture, shelves, built-ins, etc.), and take a lint roller to the lampshades.

6. Refresh The Floors. You'll need to move around the furniture. To make this task easier,  put furniture gliders under the big pieces. Use your vacuum's crevice tool "to get at dirt in corners and along baseboards." Clean hard floors with a microfiber mop and the prescribed cleaner. "If you have carpet, now is a good time to rent a professional-grade cleaner." 

Buying a new home is a big and exciting time in your life. But now that you've bought your new home, be sure to take good care of it so it can last you a lifetime! As one of the top home builders in El Paso, we know how important buying a home is. We're here to help you every step of the way. Give us a call today to find out how we can build for you!